13 Dates by Matt Dunn – a laugh out loud read.

When you read a lot of romance, especially if you’re like me and will buy the ninety-nine cent specials online, you get a mixed bag. Some writers make you cry with their honest portrayal of agonizingly sad situations we humans get ourselves into. Others keep you on the edge of your seat, sitting up all night turning page after page, dying to know what happens next. And then there are those rare and wonderful books that make you laugh out loud. I’m talking hold your belly, snort through your nose, laughing. Those are my favorites.

So imagine how happy I was when I found a new author (to me) who is capable of making me spit milk through my nose. That’s right, folks. I’m talking hilarious. The author is Matt Dunn, and the book is entitled “13 Dates.” Seriously folks, you’ve got to read this story of a lovable, but bumbling guy named Noah. He falls hopelessly in love while standing in line at a Starbucks. When he tells his co-worker that he’s in love, he’s told that love at first sight doesn’t exist. That you can’t know if your love is real until you’ve had 13 dates. It’s a fact garnered from a teen magazine, so it must be true. Right?

The book is about Noah’s pursuit of his dream girl, Angel. She believes in living life to the fullest, every day. Every. Day. No compromising. So, Noah has to come up with more and more elaborate dates to keep her around. He’s convinced that she’ll be in love with him by the 13th date.

I haven’t laughed so much while reading a book since the first time I read a Janet Evanovich’s “One for the Money,” with the adorable Stephanie Plum character. By the way, that’s a series you should not miss.

But back to Noah. The book is narrated by Noah, whose internal ramblings can be as funny to read as his experiences getting ready for and going on dates. He’s got a lovable landlord, runs an art gallery that ends up selling…No, I don’t want to spoil it for you. Get the book. You’ll be so glad you did.

I’ll be reading everything I can find that Matt Dunn’s written. He’s that good. And I don’t know how it took me so long to find him, because he’s got quite a lot of material out there.

Here’s Matt Dunn’s author page. Let me know if you like the book as much as I did!

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Photo by Ben White on Unsplash