What’s Inspiration Got to do with Writing a Romance Story?

I retired in June from a long career, so I could follow my life-long dreamof writing a novel. My mind was bursting with ideas. In six months, I wrote four books, published two of them, and had two on the editor’s desk. Then I ran out of ideas. I felt as if my well had dried up. My family suggested I might need a rest after so much had happened in such a short time. It bothered me that I didn’t know what my next story might be. Had I run out of ideas altogether? It was a frightening thought.

And then I sat down, opened an Excel spreadsheet and started asking myself questions. I started with the one thought that came to my mind. What if I wrote a sequel to one of the books that I’d already written? If I did, who would be the protagonists? That reminded me of a review I’d received on the first book. The reviewer said something like, “I’d love to read more about this couple.” That helped me decide which book might work for a sequel. But I didn’t want to simply continue the story. What if I wrote about the secondary characters and included parts of the first couple’s continuing story?

Voila! I had my new protagonists. More questions came quickly after that.

How do they meet?

What do they like about each other?

What do they dislike about each other?

What do they want?

What do they need?

What is each character’s main flaw/obstacle?

How do they overcome/change?

And the questions kept coming. Soon, I had a full-blown story in mind. I felt excited and began researching parts of the story about which I didn’t already know. My spreadsheet was filling up fast, and it was past my bedtime!

Photo by Gerrie van der Walt on Unsplash

So, I ask you, “What’s inspiration got to do with writing a romance or any story?”

For me, inspiration came after I started writing. I wrote questions on a spreadsheet, but that’s still writing. It counts. It’s a great way to start, to get those creative juices flowing. If you are feeling stuck, start writing. Use my method, or get out a piece of paper and write whatever comes into your head, stream-of-conscious writing without putting buffers on can birth astonishing brain-children. Take a walk and let nature quiet your mind, then write down things you thought about while walking. Use any method, but make sure it includes writing. You’ll be amazed at the stories that will suggest themselves.

I recently read a blog post by Bryan Hutchinson entitled Do This Crazy Thing to be an Inspired Writer Now!  I loved what he had to say about inspiration and writing. Here’s a quote from the post: It’s not a lack of inspiration that causes you to feel uninspired. It’s the desire to not be inspired by what inspiration wants to give you. 

Never sit and wait for a proverbial light-bulb to go off.

Pay attention to all notions that come up. Don’t let your internal editor tell you your ideas won’t work. You may just have the next blockbuster waiting inside you.

Speaking of notions, did this article inspire you, give you ideas of how to start? Send me an email and let me know. I’d love to hear from you.

To receive notification of new releases, subscribe to my email list. Every subscriber will receive a free book of 12 short stories in pdf format via email. The book is in editing as I write this, but will be out shortly.

As always, Thank you!    Happy Reading!     Happy Writing!

Shirley Holder Platt


Chick-lit and Romance – Hot Genres for 2018

It’s a new year, and word has it that the hot genres for 2018 will include chick-lit, romances, and stories about women. That’s great news for people like me. I plan to write more stories this year, and I’ll be emphasizing strong women.

Speaking of…Emma Emerging will be out in paperback soon!

I’ve written a book of twelve short stories – one for each month of a year – that I will send free of charge to all subscribers as a thank you for joining my email list. Those who subscribe to my list will also get an email whenever I publish new books. I will not share your email address, nor will I bombard you with emails.

Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

My third novel entitled The Secrets of Sandy Shores will be released by February. Here’s a sneak preview of the cover:

Subscribe to my email list and I’ll send a notification when the book is available.

Why do we love to read about women overcoming obstacle after obstacle? Perhaps it’s because life continually throws problems in our paths. We like to read about other women finding solutions to the hard situations we all face. It gives us hope, and sometimes, it helps us see answers. When books strike deep chords within us, we resonate – reader to writer and even to characters in the story. Books are safe places to discover new ways to live. We let the protagonist endure hardships, and we live vicariously through her as she falls, picks herself up and goes on to victory. As she learns, we learn.

I hope my stories will resonate with you. I am happy to have you accompany me on this journey. If you find that a story I’ve written strikes a chord in your heart, I’d love to hear about it. Send an email to me at thewriteromance@gmail.com.

Happy New Year!     Happy Writing!     Happy Reading!

Shirley Holder Platt

13 Dates by Matt Dunn – a laugh out loud read.

When you read a lot of romance, especially if you’re like me and will buy the ninety-nine cent specials online, you get a mixed bag. Some writers make you cry with their honest portrayal of agonizingly sad situations we humans get ourselves into. Others keep you on the edge of your seat, sitting up all night turning page after page, dying to know what happens next. And then there are those rare and wonderful books that make you laugh out loud. I’m talking hold your belly, snort through your nose, laughing. Those are my favorites.

So imagine how happy I was when I found a new author (to me) who is capable of making me spit milk through my nose. That’s right, folks. I’m talking hilarious. The author is Matt Dunn, and the book is entitled “13 Dates.” Seriously folks, you’ve got to read this story of a lovable, but bumbling guy named Noah. He falls hopelessly in love while standing in line at a Starbucks. When he tells his co-worker that he’s in love, he’s told that love at first sight doesn’t exist. That you can’t know if your love is real until you’ve had 13 dates. It’s a fact garnered from a teen magazine, so it must be true. Right?

The book is about Noah’s pursuit of his dream girl, Angel. She believes in living life to the fullest, every day. Every. Day. No compromising. So, Noah has to come up with more and more elaborate dates to keep her around. He’s convinced that she’ll be in love with him by the 13th date.

I haven’t laughed so much while reading a book since the first time I read a Janet Evanovich’s “One for the Money,” with the adorable Stephanie Plum character. By the way, that’s a series you should not miss.

But back to Noah. The book is narrated by Noah, whose internal ramblings can be as funny to read as his experiences getting ready for and going on dates. He’s got a lovable landlord, runs an art gallery that ends up selling…No, I don’t want to spoil it for you. Get the book. You’ll be so glad you did.

I’ll be reading everything I can find that Matt Dunn’s written. He’s that good. And I don’t know how it took me so long to find him, because he’s got quite a lot of material out there.

Here’s Matt Dunn’s author page. Let me know if you like the book as much as I did!

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Happy Reading,



Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Hello to all hopeless romantics.

My first post! Thanks for coming along for the ride.

Romance can be a lot of things. Here are some things I find romantic:

  • A dramatic table setting with candles, lace, fine china and crystal,
  • A picnic blanket by the river with paper plates and plastic cups,
  • A husband who gets up to check on the crying baby in the middle of the night, even though it’s not his “turn,” because he knows you’re dead tired.,
  • A woman who washes and waxes her husband’s truck when he’s on the night shift,
  • Standing in the driveway, holding hands with the one you love, watching the moon rise,
  • Seeing rays of the sun wash through winter’s barren trees,
  • Kissing your grandchild for the first time,
  • Adopting a stray kitten.

Tell me your idea of what romance is by contacting me.

If you have a favorite romance novel, send me the name of the book and the author.

As for me, I’ve written two novels and am in the middle of the National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) challenge to write a 50,000 word novel in the month of November. As soon as December rolls around, I hope to start editing the story. When all three books are ready, I will publish on Amazon. If you’d like to get a notification when the books are out, let me know. Contact me!

Subscribe to my email list to receive notifications when new books come out.

Happy Reading and Writing!
